Land Acknowledgement
We live and work on the traditional territories of the Ininew (Cree), Anishinaabe (Ojibwe), Anisininew, Dene, and Dakota Peoples. This land is also the birthplace and homeland of the Red River Métis Nation.​
We honour the Indigenous Peoples who came before us, those who are here now, and those whose knowledge, resilience, and ways of living continue to guide our work and play. We remember that it was First Nations Peoples who guided early settlers through harsh winters, taught them to navigate the land, and generously shared their knowledge and teachings.​
We hold deep appreciation for Water and Mother Earth, Sun and Moon, and for our two-legged, four-legged, finned, feathered, and crawling relatives.​ We support the return to steweardship practices that care for and proteck the land and waters we all depend on.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.